February 21, 2012



The viking

Strength and honor is his motto. It's a gladiator. With him no matter the high levels, he will always be up to par. Well persecution. Goes straight to his rival, without hesitation. His courage makes him very impulsive and that leads him to fall into traps easily. Good system of attack but bad defense.

El vikingo

Fuerza y honor es su lema. Es un gladiador. Con él no importa los altos niveles, siempre estará a la altura. Bueno en las persecuciones. Va directo a su rival, sin contemplaciones. Su coraje le hace ser muy impulsivo y eso le lleva a caer en trampas con facilidad. Buen sistema de ataque pero pésima defensa.

Favourite Hunting Area: not available
Favourite Weapons: not available
Favourite Avatar: not available


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