February 27, 2012



World Champion

The man closest to the Gods. Its a sacrilege to confront him because will provoke the wrath of whole Olympus. Unbeatable. Lethal. He dominates the scenario and decide who lives and who dies. Enter a game against him and you`ll know what it is to open Pandora's box. He was member of the Malta national team in the World Series - Artifact Assault which got the 2nd place in the tournament. He won the World Series - Manhunt with Malta, beating the bravest national teams in the World.

Campeón del Mundo

El hombre más cercano a los diosesEs un sacrilegio enfrentarse a él porque provocarás la ira de todo el Olimpo. Imbatible. Letal. Él domina todo el Escenario y decide quien vive y quien muere. Entra en una partida contra él y sabrás lo que es abrir la caja de Pandora. Fue miembro de la selección de Malta que participó en el World Series - Asalto al Artefacto que consiguió la segunda plaza del torneo. Ganó el World Series - Manhunt con Malta, venciendo a los más temibles equipos nacionales de todo el mundo.

Favourite Hunting Area: not available
Favourite Weapons: not available
Favourite Avatar: not available


World Champion / Campeón del Mundo (Rank 3)




  1. you know that they are a booster right? and friends with faith 89?

  2. he hate boosters. we have a deal. when i see a match of boosting i invite him and when he find 1 he invite me to kill the boosters LOL he is a pro :p

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  5. He is really good, but not DL 11. The scouts have to change that. I know you are a democracy and all the stuff, but you have to vote again. Cheater? I don`t think so...
    Good work, Templars. I <3 U
