March 07, 2012



The Lord of the Dead

He is Anpu, destroyer of Life. Judge, Jury and Exucutioner. He makes of every game his Duat for impersonating an eternal torment. He doesn`t forgive your sins. He is a mercilessly jackal. If he wants your soul does not cease until he get it. Lethal and magic in his game. Trying to beat him is like trying to conquer Death. Reacts quickly, hides very well and is invincible in melee.

El Señor de los muertos

El es Anpu, destructor de la vida. Es juez, jurado y verdugo. Hace de cada partida su Duat para hacerte pasar por un tormento eterno. No perdona. Es un chacal sin compasión que si desea tu alma no cesará hasta hacerse con ella. Letal y mágico en su juego. Intentar vencerle es como intentar vencer a la muerte. Reacciona rápido, se esconde muy bien y es invencible en el cuerpo a cuerpo.

Favourite Hunting Area: Asesinate
Favourite Weapons: Smoke bomb, Mute
Favourite Avatar: not available


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