March 14, 2012



He is no human. Fast, intelligent, reacts to the microsecond. Unbeatable in the melee. There is no defense against him. Always goes two steps ahead of you. Impenetrable defense. Only vulnerable when he is executing someone.
He is the king of Assassinate. No matter the time he has, he will be in the first place. Fight against him is like fight against your destiny. The best warrior in the Animus. Expert poisoner. A king among kings.

Es inhumano. Rápido, inteligente, reacciona al microsegundo. Imbatible en el cuerpo a cuerpo. No hay defensa contra él. Siempre va dos pasos por delante de ti. Defensa impenetrable. Solo le ves vulnerable cuando está ejecutando a alguien.
Es el rey del Asesinato. No importa el tiempo del que disponga, será el primero de la simulación. Luchar contra él es como luchar contra tu destino. El mejor guerrero del Animus. Experto envenenador. Un rey entre reyes.


Dangerous Level: 11 (Honorific level)
Favourite Hunting Area: Asesinate
Favourite Weapons: Poison, Smoke bomb, Mute
Favourite Avatar: not available


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