February 24, 2013



Reacts very fast. Awesome in the melee, no matter if it is against one or against hundreds, knows how to prioritize and moving in the battle. Excellent hunter. Excellent stunner. Inexpugnable defense.

Reacciona muy rápido. Temible en el cuerpo a cuerpo, no importa si es contra uno o contra cientos, sabe moverse perfectamente y como priorizar la batalla. Excelente cazador. Excelente aturdidor. Defensa inexpugnable.

Favourite Hunting Area: Assassinate
Favourite Weapons: Firecrackers, Smoke bomb
Favourite Avatar: not available

1 comment:

  1. My friend Anton! He's a very good player on ASA! Love to play with him :D
    A greeting of your friend RobertoCarlos69 ^^
