February 20, 2012



She was the first ottoman legend. She has so much prestige as cowardice on her game. She does not like direct confrontation and prefer to live rather than kill. If she has no abilities, doesn`t play. But if she has them, using them is lethal. Hunts with stealth and expertise, hardly noticeable. Good at hiding.
Do you know why faith_89 enters at any games and immediately heading out? Because only wants to play against lower level players to score points. Whenever he has to fight against someone good, flee because he don`t want to be seen to lose.
Very coward. She was a great cheater in Revelations Era, making mostly of her scores in rigged games.

She has an extraordinary potential. faith_89 is fast, lethal, with a lot of imagination and fantasy in her game. With a little of selfconfident, she would be the True Queen of the Animus. Her desire to be praised have led her to the dark side in the past, we hope in this era she can redimed. One of the best templars, but she have to prove it. 

Fue la primera leyenda otomana. Tiene tanto prestigio como cobardía en su juego. No le gusta los enfrentamientos directos y prefiere vivir antes que matar. Si no tiene habilidades, no juega. Pero si las tiene, es letal utilizándolas. Caza con sigilo y maestría, apenas perceptible. Buena en los escondites.
¿Sabéis por qué faith_89 entra en las partidas e inmediatamente sale? Porque sólo quiere jugar contra jugadores de nivel bajo para hacer puntos. Siempre que tiene que luchar contra alguien bueno, huye porque no quiere que le vean perder. Muy cobarde. Fue una gran tramposa en la Revelations Era, haciendo la mayoría de sus puntuaciones en partidas amañadas.

Tiene un extraordinario potencial. faith_89 is rápida, letal y con mucha imaginación y fantasía en su juego. Con un poco de confianza en si misma, sería la verdadera Reina del Animus. Sus ansias de ser elogiada la llevaron en el pasado por el lado oscuro, esperamos que en esta era ella pueda redimirse. Uno de los mejores templarios, pero tiene que demostrarlo.

Prima leggenda turca. Ha tanto prestigio quanta codardia quando gioca. Non le piacciono gli scontri diretti e preferisce vivere anziché uccidere. Se non ha abilità, non gioca, ma quando le ha, è letale nell’utilizzarle. Caccia con cautela e maestria, è a malapena percepibile. Abile nel nascondersi. Sapete perché faith_89 entra nelle partite e immediatamente esce? Perché vuole giocare solo contro giocatori di livello basso per fare punti. Ogni volta che deve giocare contro qualcuno di forte, fugge, perché non vuole che nessuno la veda perdere. Molto codarda.

Favourite Hunting Area: not available
Favourite Weapons: not available
Favourite Avatar: not available


Dangerous Level: 8
Favourite Hunting Area: not available
Favourite Weapons: not available
Favourite Avatar: not available


  1. how she made so much prestige ??

  2. Easy. He cheats. In CHEATERS section, you can see a video where faith_89 appears with other players in a Manhunt game. All of them are cheating, cause in one round some players stun the other for free and viceversa.
    Disguisting. Pathetic.

  3. I always run into faith and everytime the same thing happens "She Quits" *cough* fat chick *cough* no skill *cough* *cough*

  4. Well now since she's the maximum prestige there's no reason 4 her to look 4 easy ppl that's y she's not quiting games much anymore. From Psn: Unstopabl3sh0tz

  5. hey templar---i have 108prestige but bug ubisoft look 99..
    meow kiss faith_89

  6. 109, 99 or 500 it`s a shame that you had made the prestige in that way. Cheating is for losers like you. In this web there are so many players who can beat you without any problems and don`t need to reach so much prestige.

  7. Everyone would agree to that *period* Message to low ranks: Just use gun in faith he jst thinks his pro when he fights low ranks (show faith that it's not that easy anymore)

  8. I`m agree. He is not legal and a cheater. I dont like it

  9. Yo nunca he tenido la oportunidad de jugar con ella, porque cuando ve que se está enfrentando con gente de prestigio alto, no dura ni un segundo. No se merece ese titulo, y encima, es prepotente, va diciendo que es la mejor, que ubisoft la quiere y que los demás no somos más que unos perdedores envidiosos. faith_89, para mi, no es nadie, no se merece ser la leyenda turca, es simplemente una tramposa, pues así cualquiera puede llegar a serlo.

  10. in this video faith_89


  11. Una vez se enfrentó a mí, la estaba ganando y en el último momento se fue. Es una cobarde

  12. every time he/she enter in a session if see too many prestige player early leave out the game
    at least he/she do it with me

  13. Now, in AC3, She/or/He (I don't Know) HAS REACH PRESTIGE 50 Y 2 MONTHS!! CAN ANYBODY EXPLAIN ME THAT?
    I think, that, this person:
    -no sleep
    -no eat
    -haven't social live

  14. It warms my heart to hear that Faith_89 is getting well known for being a cheater. I have said that for a long time and its about time she was recognized for it.
