May 07, 2012

ABSTERGO MISSIONS: Special Abilities and Abilities cost


-BLESSED (cost 150 AP): All TARGET and TASKS of the FEAT type, the goals for completion are reduced by 1.

-INCOGNITO (cost 100 AP): For every 50 AP you spend, you may reduced your DANGEROUS LEVEL in this mission by 1.

-EMPIRICAL (cost 100 AP): Her/Him and everyone involved with him/her in the TARGET or TASK will earn 25% more AP.

-SPY (cost 100 AP): Spending 50 AP, will know the full arsenal of abilities available to the Assassins in a TARGET or TASK.

-SABOTEUR (cost 200 AP): Spending 100 AP, may forbidden the use of a ability or perk to a single Templar in a TARGET or TASK. It can only be used once in each ABSTERGO MISSION.


-Decoy (15 AP)
-Disguise (5 AP)
-Trap (10 AP)
-Firecrackers (5 AP)
-Morph (25 AP)
-Gun (50 AP)
-Mute (40 AP)
-Smoke Bomb (50 AP)
-Closed (15 AP)
-Templar Vision (20 AP)
-Bodyguard (15 AP)
-Knives (10 AP)
-Charge (30 AP)
-Teleport (25 AP)
-Poison (50 AP)



-BENDECIDO (150 AP)En todos los Objetivos o Tareas del tipo Proeza en los que participe, los requisitos para completarla se reducen en 1.

-INCOGNITO (100 AP): Por cada 50 AP que gastes, tu DANGEROUS LEVEL se reduce en 1 para la misión.

-EMPÍRICO (100 AP): Él y todos los que participen con él en el Objetivo o Tarea ganarán un 25% más de AP.

-ESPÍA (100 AP): Gastando 50 AP podrá saber todo el arsenal de armas de que disponen los asesinos en un Objetivo o Tarea.

-SABOTEADOR (200 AP): Gastando 100 AP podrá prohibir el uso de una habilidad o Medra a UN solo Templario en un Objetivo o Tarea. Sólo puede ser utilizado una vez en cada ABSTERGO MISSION.


-Señuelo (15 AP)
-Disfraz (5 AP)
-Cable Trampa (10 AP)
-Buscapiés (5 AP)
-Transformación (25 AP)
-Pistola (50 AP)
-Anular (40 AP)
-Boma de Humo (50 AP)
-Cierre (15 AP)
-Vista Templaria (20 AP)
-Guardaespaldas (15 AP)
-Cuchillos (10 AP)
-Carga (30 AP)
-Teletransporte (25 AP)
-Veneno (50 AP)



BENEDETTO (150 AP): In tutti gli Obiettivi o Incarichi di tipo Impresa in cui partecipa, i requisiti per completarli si riducono di 1.
INCOGNITO (100 AP): Per ogni 50 AP che spendi, il tuo DANGEROUS LEVEL si riduce di 1 per la missione.
EMPIRICO (100 AP): Chiunque partecipi con lui/lei nell’Obiettivo o nell’Incarico vincerà un 25% in più di AP.
SPIA (100 AP): Spendendo 50 AP potrà scoprire tutto l’arsenale di armi di cui dispongono gli assassini in un Obiettivo o Incarico.
SABOTATORE (200 AP): Spendendo 100 AP potrà proibire l’uso di un’abilità o Vantaggio a UN solo templare in un Obiettivo o Incarico. Si può usare solo una volta in ogni ABSTERGO MISSION.


-Esca (15 AP)
-Travestimento (5 AP)
-Bomba a Cavo (10 AP)
-Petardi (5 AP)
-Metamorfosi (25 AP)
-Pistola Celata (50 AP)
-Silenzio (40 AP)
-Bomba Fumogena (50 AP)
-Chiusura (15 AP)
-Occhio Templare (20 AP)
-Guardia del Corpo (15 AP)
-Pugnali da Lancio (10 AP)
-Carica (30 AP)
-Teletrasporto (25 AP)
-Veleno (50 AP)


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