June 19, 2012



He likes to be exposed to attract the rivals. He knows all the tactics and possible moves. Amazing defense and his attack is insurmountable. Smart and fast, likes to show his strength and boast about it with rivals. His arrogance leads him to make noob`s mistakes.

Le gusta exponerse para atraer al rival. Sabe todas las tácticas y movimientos posibles. Increible defensa y ataques insalvables. Inteligente y rápido, le gusta mostrar su fuerza y jactarse de ella con los rivales. Su arrogancia le lleva a cometer fallos de principiante.

Favourite Hunting Area: Assassinate
Favourite Weapons: Smoke bomb
Favourite Avatar: not available


Sandrita_93, juancho_92, RobertoCarlos69 and dasousa114, Spain Team, winners of the World Series Artifact Assault 2014 PS3.

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