September 24, 2012


Who says that you see in the mirror is your reflection and is not you the reflection of anyone?

Attention Templars, several agents have fallen against what seems an invasion of our Animi controlled environments. The above message is all that has survived of the murderers, but checking the videos we've discovered a truth even more terrifying. Our enemy, those murderers, is ourselves.

Hunt those impostors as if it were a WANTED and we will give you a reward. We dont have names yet, All information you give will be valuable.

The war has begun.


¿Quién dice que lo veís en el espejo es vuestro reflejo y no sois vosotros el reflejo de alguien?

Atención templarios, varios agentes han caído contra lo que parece una invasión en nuestros entornos controlados de los Animi. El mensaje de arriba es lo único que nos ha llegado de esos asesinos, pero comprobando los videos hemos descubierto una verdad aún más aterradora. Nuestros enemigos, esos asesinos, somos nosotros mismos.

Cazad como si de un WANTED se tratase a esos impostores y os daremos una recompensa. No tenemos ningún nombre aún, toda la información que proporcionéis será muy valiosa.

La guerra ha comenzado.


  1. impostores en que sentido?, no lo entiendo


  2. Aunque los dispositivos Animus de cuatro de nuestros agentes estaban apagados, ellos estaban dentro del programa de simulación.
    Eran casi identicos reflejos de nuestros agentes, pero con propósitos más oscuros.
    Sabemos que siguen dentro del programa de entrenamiento, pero no sabemos desde donde conectan o quienes son en realidad.
    El primero que mande una prueba de su existencia, será premiado con APs.
    Iremos comunicando nuestros avances.
    Estad atentos.


    While Animus devices of four of our agents were off, they were within the simulation program.
    Were almost identical reflections of our agents, but with darker purposes.
    We know we are still in the training program, but we do not know from where they connect or who they really are.
    The first to send a proof of its existence, will be rewarded with APs.
    We will communicate our progress.
    Stay tuned.

  3. This is a very mysterious post.
    So, there are 4 impostors. And if we find them, you will reward us with APs.
    But without any hints, it's extremely unlikely that someone will find anything.
    ... There's more here.
    What are you insinuating, TemplarFiles? xD
    You guys always keep it cool, I like that so much.
