October 03, 2012


Original: I_AM_GOD_666_

The man closest to the Beast. He's a Hellhound from hell. He is guided by his instincts at all times and that makes him unpredictable. Sometimes he goes straight to his preys, others prefers to play with them. Fight against him is to face the wrath of all nature. Fast, accurate and with an arsenal of abilities in each game, likes to embarrass his rival. He`s selfconfident and risky, but knows what he does every time.

El hombre más cercano a la Bestia. Es un Hellhound salido del infierno. Se guía por sus instintos en todo momento y eso le hace ser imprevisible. A veces va directo a por su presa, otras prefiere jugar con ellas. Luchar contra él es enfrentarse a la ira de toda la naturaleza. Rápido, certero y con un arsenal de habilidades en cada partida, le gusta desconcertar a su rival. Es seguro de si mismo y arriesgado, pero sabe lo que hace en todo momento.



He can forbid an ability to a rival in each game. I_AM_DOG_666_ must message his opponent before the valid game begins and tell it what ability.

Puede prohibir una habilidad a su rival en cada partida. I_AM_DOG_666_ debe decirle por mensaje que habilidad no podrá utilizar su rival antes de que empiece la partida válida.


  1. you make I_AM_GOD_666_ like he is a booster when he is not.

  2. The Templar FilesOctober 04, 2012 7:10 am

    Nobody says he is a booster. In fact, we dont have any proof of that. This is an Impostor profile, a tribute to I_AM_GOD_666_.

  3. ...
    you blind. And before to write, read ;)

