November 05, 2012



Cold and patient. He moves like a lion in the jungle, overlooking the entire environment and causing compliance with each of his actions. He's fast, cunning and with great reaction. Passive hunter, hides in groups waiting for his rivals. Tends to lose much control in the final minutes if he is not winning.

Frío y paciente. Se mueve como un león por la selva, dominando todo el entorno y causando respeto con cada una de sus acciones. Es rápido, astuto de gran reacción. Cazador pasivo, se esconde en grupos esperando a sus rivales. Tiende a perder mucho el control en los minutos finales si no va ganando.

Favourite Hunting Area: Assassinate
Favourite Weapons: Knife, Smoke bomb, Poison
Favourite Avatar: not available


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