January 29, 2013



Attacks quickly and without thinking twice. If he sees an enemy, runs towards him. Unceremoniously kills, no technique, when he is in a simulation, does not care about points, just kills as many as possible. Dangerous with abilities, without them is easy to catch him.

Ataca rápido y sin pensarselo dos veces. Si ve un enemigo, corre hacia él. Mata sin contemplaciones ni técnica, cuando esta una simulacion no le importan los puntos, solo matar a cuantos más mejor. Peligroso con habilidades, sin ellas es fácil cazarle.

Favourite Hunting Area: not available
Favourite Weapons: not available
Favourite Avatar: not available


kairi_kamelot, Kazuo_Kamelot and CB1878, CPA clan, winners of The Tempest Artifact Assault 3vs3.

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