January 31, 2013



Good locating opponents. Templar intelligent, always seeking new strategies to hunt the most difficult opponents. Iron will, not even the gods will to make him surrender. Great improvement curve, learns quickly the tricks of each opponent. Hunter patient and meticulous, often passive, waiting in groups. Good on rooftops.

Localiza con precisión a sus oponentes. Templario inteligente, siempre busca nuevas estrategias para cazar a los rivales más difíciles. Voluntad férrea, ni los mismos dioses le harán rendirse ante nadie. Gran curva de mejora, aprende rápido los trucos de cada oponente. Cazador paciente y meticuloso, a menudo pasivo, esperando en grupos. Bueno en los tejados.

Favourite Hunting Area: not available
Favourite Weapons: Wipe
Favourite Avatar: not available


Cyllan_, Official Ubisoft Spanish Champion in 2012. The best spanish player in Manhunt 1vs1 Revelations Era.

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